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Ardal SMP20
To implement the Shoreline Management Plan Strategies, the Swansea and Carmarthen Bay Coastal Engineering Group (SCBECG) have an action plan.
The purpose of the Action Plan is to identify the steps that need to be taken in order to put the SMP2 policies into practice. This primarily includes ensuring that the SMP2 policies are taken forward in the short term but also to provide a strategic basis for more detailed studies and plans for managing and/or improving coastal management.
The action plan is dynamic, and will change as action leads complete, add, or remove actions.
Action Dashboard
Use this Dashboard to Investigate the SCBCEG Action Plan
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- To make this dashboard full screen select the icon in the bottom right-hand corner.
- To inspect the dashboard and submission form at the same time, please duplicate this tab.
- New comments will not appear immediately in the dashboard. To receive a copy of your submission, please provide your email.
- Any action commented on within the last 3 months will appear as green. Please note that this may not happen immediately.
*Please note that this page is still under development. You may notice some changes between visits. Any changes will not impact your submission or any previous submissions.*

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